<< Loveland Directions>>
Take Wilson North to Fort Collins. Wilson becomes Taft Hill in Ft. Collins, turn left on Drake and go about 1 mile to Overland Trail, Turn right and go about 3 miles until you see the sign for Lori State Park, 50E RD, Turn Left.
Continue until this road ends in Bellvue, turn right (about 2.5 miles). Go about 50 yards until the road ends at Rist Canyon Road, turn left. <<go to Rist Canyon Directions>>
<< Fort Collins Directions>>
Go North on College to LaPorte. Note that all major N/S streets (College, Shields, Taft Hill, Overland Trail) in Ft. Collins continue to LaPorte, and cross, or end at Main Street in LaPorte. When you get to LaPorte, go West (left).
<<LaPorte Directions>>
LaPorte is a small town located at the North-West corner of Ft. Collins. Follow College street North to LaPorte, note that 287 is a right turn North of Ft. Collins; do not follow 287, stay on “College” and continue through LaPorte. On the right, about 200 yards West of LaPorte, and about 1.5 miles west of 287N, Vern’s Liquor is on the right. Opposite Vern’s Liquor is the beginning of RistCanyon Road. Turn Left on Rist Canyon Road. <<Go to Rist Canyon Directions>>
<< I-25 Directions >>
This route avoids Ft. Collins. I-25 North to one exit past Hwy 14 (The Budweiser Exit), 50 RD,. Take the farm road 50, (Mountain Vista Rd) west (about 2 miles) until it turns hard right, continue through turn, and go to Country Club Road (1/4 mile) and turn left toward the country club. After 1 block, you’ll make another left because Country Club Road forces you through a Three-way stop. Proceed through residential area, about 2 miles on this road to another Tee at Terry Lake Road, turn left. Continue on Terry Lake Road until it Tees into to North College about ¼ mile, turn right onto College. <<Go to LaPorte Directions>>
<<Rist Canyon Directions>>
Proceed up the Rist Canyon road until after mile marker 10; afterward (around where mile marker 10.5 should be) you will see a group of about 40 mailboxes on the left. This is Davis Ranch Road. You are exactly 4 miles from the house. Turn left on Davis Ranch Road. You’ve gone too far if you see the RCVFD firehouse on the left.
From this point, the road is identified by “Fire-Routes”, the main road is Fire-Route 1, the other fire routes branch, to the left and right; one is always the main route. Each fire route has a three foot high wooden sign, with arrows indicating the route number. We live on Fire-Route 5, known affectionately as “Dirt Road”; our address is 732 Dirt Road. Addresses on the fire-routes are mile markers from the road origin. 801 Dirt Road (FR5) is approximately .8 miles from the origin of Fire route 5/ Dirt Road is labeled with a conspicuous green sign.
Fire Route 5 is a left turn at approximately 3 ¼ miles from the main road. It is clearly marked. Fire Route 5 ends at our house approximately .8 mile from the turnoff. There is a Y near the end, at about ½ mile, on the right is our “next-door” neighbor’s driveway; fire route 5 continues left for another 1/8 mile and ends at our house. Follow the wooden 801 signs on fire route 5.
Approximate Driving Times:
Boulder 1:45, Longmont 1:35, Downtown Ft. Collins 0:35, Loveland 1:00, DIA 2:30
Mark Squibb
732 Dirt Road
Bellvue CO, 80512
Mobile (970) 494-1972 (No answering machine)

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